Saturday, February 26, 2011


 My client just moved into a cottage here in Coronado and decided her old furniture needed a new look.  She ordered this fabric from Ballard Designs, though I don't think you can get it anymore.
She has two Cairn terriers and they love to sit on the furniture.  Luckily, these covers are washable!  
I can't tell from this picture which dog, Princess Fiona or King Riley, is enjoying a chew toy and ignoring one of the new slipcovered chairs, but I was informed that as soon as I left, toys were abandoned and the dogs hopped up to make the new chairs their own.  

Slowly, but slowly the cottage is coming together.  There are still things for me to make and once they are completed and installed, of course I'll be sharing those pictures with you.

Monday, February 21, 2011


 These are my new shoes!!!  I got them yesterday.  Aren't they just adorable? I had some pretty much like these in 1972.  My mother used to call me 'Wilt,' as in Chamberlin.  I didn't care then and I guess I still don't, even though I tend to tower over most people I know.
Yes, the heels are quite high.  The good news is they are comfortable AND only make me 6' tall!  I measured.  With the shoes on, I am now 72" tall.  It seems like I'd be much taller, but, luckily, they add just 2" to my height.

I know it has been almost a month since my last post.  Nothing major going on, just life getting in the way of things I might rather do.  Actually, ever since I hurt my back and spent those 6 days in bed in July, I've been out of my regular routine.  Happily, my back is about a million percent better.  And I am working on getting back to that normal routine.  That has proved to be a VERY slow process.  My new goal is to do a post every 5 days or so.  That seems doable to me.  Thanks to all my followers who still check me out.  I promise to do better. 
I did take pictures on Saturday of work-related stuff and that will be my next post.  Stay tuned!