This award was given to me by Val.
The 'rules' for this award are to (1) link back to the person who who gave it to you.
(2) List 10 things about yourself that are known or unknown:
1. I don't eat read meat or pork. Actually, nothing with 4 legs. And haven't for almost 20 years.
2. I don't like any kind of beans.
3. I did not get the chocolate or jewelry genes.
4. I am a morning person.
5. I walk between 8 and 15 miles almost every day.
6. I come from a very large family: I have 6 brothers and 1 sister.
7. I won't kill a spider in the house because it is bad luck.
8. I love to do the crossword puzzle every day.
9. I can't remember to water the backyard even when I see the grass is dying.
10. I listen to books on tape while I work.
And (3) pass this award on to other deserving bloggers:
Pass this along if you like. Otherwise, just know that I think your blog is special and wanted you to know.
Way to go Tamerie! We never kill spiders either... we have a little "transport kit" and put them out in the garden... Bisous... Julie Marie
Thanks Tamerie....I think your sweet blog is special too... Love visiting here, hope your weekend has been the best so far...Fall rocks!!!xoxo~Kathy@! Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Congrats Tamerie, I loved learning more about you, wow you walk a lot...that would explain your fabulous figure!
Hi Tamerie!
Thanks for coming by my blog for a visit! It's been so long since I posted and I really appreciate the encouragement!
Thank you for sharing a few more things about yourself. you are an amazing woman!!!
It's okay if you didn't get the 'jewelry' gene as I probably take care of the category enough for both of us! lol
I hope your weekend has been fabulous!
Looks like I've been tagged...better get on it! Maybe tomorrow... I knew you must have some secret to those perfect legs! ohhhh..you are gonna love the recipe I just posted. LOL...
Oh great list there, my gosh you are good walking daily. That's a hugh family too, wow!
Wow Tamerie
So many miles you walk each day. When do you find time? I feel lazier and lazier every time I visit here. hehe I also now know where all my bad luck is coming from!! Great list from a great gal. Have fun. xx Julie
Thank you so very much!! You are just too sweet...ans I have no idea how you have time to be so, AND walk a million miles a day! Holy cats! That is amazing!
m ^..^
You don't like ANY beans?
I am a book on tape gal too!! I need to get you over here ...when ever it works for you. If yo are on one of your 8 miles walks ...stop over...:)
Love to learn more about you!!
You really are a California girl who loves nature. I am so impressed by your walking digits...you go girl!! I also hail from a large family and it's awesome!! Always learning...crosswords, books on tape, now that's multitasking at it's best!
Enjoy your day today!
I'm so very late responding to this....but thank you so much, Tamerie. I appreciate it.
PS- I don't eat red meat or pork either. Once in awhile a little bit of turkey but that's it.
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