Every time I walked by the boats on the beach, I thought, I should bring my camera. Well, as you know from Friday's post, I did just that. This is the original shot without alteration.

This is posterized with some other filtering.

And this, as you may have guessed, is my favorite! I know these colors are not everyone's cup of tea, but they sure do make me happy!
Obviously, this is not an often used boat as the sand and water inside would make it difficult. I still love the way it looks. This is the natural color with no manipulating yet.

I think that black and white always makes for a striking image.

No telling exactly what I did to get this effect, but I like it.
I don't think these are used very much either. However, it is high tide and once the water recedes, at least they are not full of sand.

I used some kind of blue filter to make the water a color it never is here.

And this has either a purple or a magenta filter, among other things.
When I am playing in Photoshop, I frequently come up with color combinations and effects that I then have no idea how I got. It is fun though. I tend to really love the very vivid, bright, neon hues the best. That's just me. Like I said, they make me happy to see.