Thursday, July 15, 2010


This is the first time I have attempted a post from my iPhone, but it is my only option right now. Yes,summer seems to have finally made it to Coronado. Better late than never, right? So why no photos to go along with this post? And why am I posting from my phone? Well, I am in bed, with a totally spasming back. Supposedly, after tomorrow, I should be okay. That's how it went last time, but it sure doesn't feel like I'll be able to move so soon. Let me just say that this really sucks. This is pain like no other. It's not like I can just isolate my back and get on with it. I cannot sit, walk, lie down(at least not comfortably) and all I really want to do is cry, but I know that will hurt my back. Just now as I was writing this, I sneezed. Not a good thng and a bad word slipped out as it happened. I don't think I will, or can, die from this pain, but the way I feel right now, I can't see how I'll get through this. It's funny how our minds block out traumas and this is no exception. It's been about 12 years since I last experienced this and though I remember that it occurred, I don't remember the specific details, like did day 2 feel just like this? The main difference last time was I was married and my husband could help me out. I had to call my neighbor to come feed Emily last night and this morning I was able to make her breakfast, but I couldn't put it on the floor. My exchange student is up now and I asked him to set it on the floor for me. Have I mentioned that this SUCKS?

So even though I am home, I still won't be doing any blog reading. I hope you are all enjoying your summer and out having fun. At least the marine layer is gone and we have bright sunshine, even if I am only able to enjoy it from my bedroom window.


Denise@alloverroses said...

OMG! You poor thing! I can relate to what you are going through. Yes even a sneeze is soooo painful. I hope it will be short and you will be on your feet soon.

Blondie's Journal said...

I feel for you, Tamerie. I have a bad back, too that seems to act up on it's own. Pain meds and bed rest are the only things that help. I hope you are feeling better soon, my friend.


Julie Marie said...

Oh Tamerie, I am so sorry... there is nothing worse than back pain... please rest and take care of yourself... I will be wishing that the pain goes away very soon... love to you... xoxo Julie Marie

Laurel said...

Oh Sweetie! I am so sorry and so sad I can't be there right now to help! This is awful. I hope you get some relief , I will say a prayer for you tonight, I am so sorry :(
Hugs and smooches ,

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Simple Home said...

So sorry to hear about your back. I hope you're up and around soon.

Jackie said...

Oh my. I hope you are feeling better very soon! I understand your pain, it is unbearable.
Praying for a speedy recovery!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Dear Tamerie
You poor thing,. gee I hope you are feeling better soon.... if you can get someone to run an errand for you.. Arnica is fabulous for soft tissue healing... spasms and all..

You know my darn internet connection in new place has a few spasms of it's own.. works only when it feels inclined... hope you feel better soon!!! xxx Julie

Valerie said...

Tamerie, are you feeling any better? Is there anything I can do to help, short of petting your kitty? (I'm allergic) Can I bring you a margarita to sip on, one with a bendy straw, so you can sip it lying down in bed ;o) Please feel better soon. I have a miracle worker chiropractor I use, and I haven't been flattened with a spasming back since I've started seeing her, about 10 years ago. I can drive you...
-x, Val

Laurel said...

Hi Sweetie- just thinking about you and wishing you well. Ihope you are ok :(

Unknown said...

I hope you are feeling better soon, Have a sweet day!